Best Tradition Article of WorldEmber 2021
I’m proud to share with you the winner and runners-up for Best Tradition Article of WorldEmber 2021, the category I judged for World Anvil's December 2021 worldbuilding event.
Best Tradition Article
This article caught my attention during my first perusal of the entrants and never let go. I loved the concept of the birthing process being cause for a community-wide celebration, and all the little details that went along with that. It conjured so many rich images, and was full of story possibilities.
Because the competition was so fierce, I couldn’t decide on just one runner-up and instead am naming these four articles as my honorable mentions.
More That Caught My Eye
In case you’re looking for even more fantastic worldbuilding, here are some other entries which caught my eye during the difficult process of narrowing things down to a single winner.
Great choice for the winning entry, and thanks for the honourable mention too! :-)
Check out Shadowfire
Thank you! There were so many outstanding pieces to choose from, but when I was coming back to my list today to choose more to highlight for this article, yours was fresh in my mind the moment I reopened it. Great work!