For Your Consideration: WAWA 2025
After much consternation, I submitted a bunch of stuff to the 5th World Anvil Worldbuilding Awards. Participating in these sorts of events is not necessarily healthy for me in terms of my mental health. But when I saw that there were cash prizes involved that might help float my publishing business for the year, I couldn’t not enter.
That said, I only have the notes I made about what I was intending to submit. I don’t have a confirmation of what I actually did submit. So there’s every chance that I changed my mind about one of these at the last minute. Y’know, like Clark the Overthinker is prone to do.
But without further ado, here are the categories I entered for the 2025 WAWAs and what I (think I) submitted for your consideration.
Artist’s Most Beautiful World
Hearts & Minds Award
Rise Of Nations Award
Wondrous Nature Award
Strength & Honor Award
Pillars Of Progress Award
Myths & Legends Award
Once I’ve had a chance to take a look at what some of the other fine folks in the World Anvil community have submitted, I intend to include a list of their best stuff here.
I've been waiting for this one! This completes me! (For my WAWA FYC article.)
View my submissions for World Anvil WorldBuilding Awards 2025.
Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak.
Thanks, man!