King of Hearts
The King of Hearts is the democratically elected head of government in the United Kingdom of Wonderland, chosen to serve as the decision-making equal of the Queen of Hearts—herself a hereditary monarch. The position was based on the model established by Wilhelm II during his reign as King of Fatherland.
In Fatherland, their unique system of government was sold to the people with the tagline “One selected by divinity, one elected by humanity.” And the adoption of this system of government was the only thing the Fatherlanders demanded before joining the United Kingdom in 263.
Roles & Responsibilities
Together with the Queen of Hearts and the Council of Governors, the King is responsible for lawmaking, peacekeeping, and the administration of justice at the national level. The King may opt, together with Queen and Council, to delegate authority to institutions and individuals operating on regional or local levels—and they often do.
Finally, only the King of Hearts may pardon an individual who has been sentenced to death by the Queen. And given the frequency with which the queen is apt to bellow “Off with (his/her/their) head(s)!,” pardoning proves to be a great deal of what the King does.
- Be a citizen of one of the seven constituent kingdoms of Wonderland.
- Be at least 35 years old.
- Be alive. The Undone are inelligible.
- Be unrelated, either by blood or by law, to the reigning Queen of Hearts.
Additionally, though it is not a requirement per se, every person who has ever held the position of King has served at least one term as a regional governor.
Length of Term and Succession
No person shall be King of Hearts for longer than 21 years (three seven-year terms) and no person shall hold the office past their 80th birthday. Elections are held every seven years, unless death, resignation, or incapacitation renders a special election necessary.
I like the "selected by divinity/humanity" thing here. But then again, I'm always looking for a check on the power of those with the "divine right of kings."
Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak.
Thanks! That phrase popped into my head while writing it and I was glad for something to anchor the whole thing around.