Phina’s Tongue


Phina’s Tongue is the brand name for a line of personal intimacy aids developed by the Sisterhood of Sex Workers and popular throughout Eden. Appearing at first glance to be nothing more than an extra-beautiful bullwhip, these magical devices are enchanted to bond with their owners and provide any kind of pleasure the user can imagine. The only thing that Phina’s Tongue won’t do is kill, brutalize, or maim. It’ll get rough within reason, but it will not participate in self-harm or violence against others.



The device was developed by the founding members of the SSW in their headquarters at Watersmeet. Originally intended only for use within the brothel itself, and only then by workers specially trained in the use of the device, the Sisters were eventually able to stabilize the magic and ensure the safety protocols were unbreakable. After that, they began to sell it as a souvenir. Though they initially struggled to keep up with demand, the SSW was eventually able to export the device to markets throughout Wonderland—and eventually to brothels and adult shops across the whole of Eden.



Each Phina’s Tongue is comprised of a thick handle; a long, braided cord called a thong; a thinner, more flexible cord, the fall, which is attached to the end of the thong; and a small, even thinner and more flexible bit of material attached to the end which is variously called the cracker, popper, or cat-tail. Those are terms borrowed from traditional whips, of course. Those users who are not familiar with the technical terms, however, call the little bit at the end “the tickler.”


A series of enchantments placed upon the device allow it to read the thoughts, emotions, and intents of the person who it has bonded with—provided that person has touched the handle with their bare skin within the past hour. The device then uses the intel it has gathered from its owner/partner to move its parts in such a way as to provide the pleasure that has been wished for.

Item type
1 lb 11 oz


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