Sacrificial Magic

The Law of Sacrificial Magic is a powerful force in Eden and throughout the Clarkwoods Literary Universe. It establishes that any sapient being who makes a sacrifice of significance is entitled to a wish of commensurate significance. In The Blood of Seven Queens #2, for instance, Aesling O’Briar willingly pricks her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel, dooming herself to 100 years of sleep, and asks the goddesses to strip Stagnekad the Defiler of his undead armies in return.


The magical energy of the sacrifice manifests as a near-blinding burst of orange light and an intense burst of kinetic energy. Any who might seek to do the sacrificer harm (beyond the harm involved in the sacrifice itself) are blasted away from the immediate vicinity of the sacrifice.


The sacrificer is temporarily surrounded by a cocoon of the same orange energy, keeping safe their body (and their soul, if it remains) until such time as their wish has been fully granted. After that, the protection is removed.


The Law of Sacrificial Magic applies in Eden and throughout all of the many iterations of reality which have taken place and are now taking place outside of that purgatorial paradise. As for how great a distance an individual wish might cover, well, that depends on the nature of the sacrifice. The sister goddesses are the sole arbiters of whether a wish is too big, or not.

Metaphysical, Divine


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Dec 28, 2024 17:18 by Chris L

Cool to see it canonized!

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak.

Dec 28, 2024 21:55 by E. Christopher Clark

Thanks! Yeah, this was one of the first ones I was able to write down for my "One of Everything" list.

Jan 7, 2025 21:35 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like the idea of sacrifice as a kind of benevolent force. At least, that's what I get from your article.

Emy x
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Jan 8, 2025 12:32 by E. Christopher Clark

Yeah, absolutely. It all came from wanting to make my version of Sleeping Beauty a more active participant in her own story.

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