Spooktober 2021

In October 2021, E. Christopher Clark is participating in not one but three art-making challenges, mashing together Inktober, Spooktober, and Melloween in an effort to get back into a daily drawing practice.


Each challenge involves making something with a given one-word prompt for each day in October (with Inktober specifically requiring the something to be a drawing).


The drawings you see below may eventually develop into full-fledged bits of worldbuilding, but for now Chris is focusing on the drawings alone.


01: Crystal + Moon + Zombies

Crystal, Moon, Zombies

02: Suit + Hunt + Aliens


03: Vessel + Blood + Leaves


04: Knot + Mist + Pumpkins


05: Raven + Hollow + Black Cats


06: Spirit + Glow + Witches


07: Fan + Grave + Vampires


08: Watch + Stone + Familiars


09: Pressure + Ice + Werewolves


10: Pick + Rune + Ghosts


11: Sour + Bone + Haunted Houses


12: Stuck + Rot + Cryptids


13: Roof + Wild + Found Footage


14: Tick + Ghast + Candlelight


15: Helmet + Fang + Vintage


16: Compass + Dance + Bats


17: Collide + Shiver + Spooky Tech


18: Moon + Harvest + Bones


19: Loop + Crimson + Monsters


20: Sprout + Scent + Tarot


21: Fuzzy + Dust + In the Woods


22: Open + Flame + Cursed


23: Leak + Spore + Sideshow


24: Extinct + Dark + Possessions


25: Splat + Heart + Moonlight


26: Connect + Shiver + Nautical


27: Spark + Blade + Midnight


28: Crispy + Ruin + Urban Legends


29: Patch + Claw + Slasher


30: Slither + Shadow + Nostalgia Trip


31: Risk + Halloween Night


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Oct 1, 2021 16:10 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Good luck, Chris!

Emy x
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Oct 2, 2021 00:03 by E. Christopher Clark

Thanks! It was fun this morning. Hopefully it stays fun. If it doesn’t, hopefully I’ll be able to stop without feeling disappointed.

Oct 22, 2021 16:26 by Kahuna The Elder

Awesome fun work! I really got a kick out of this!

Oct 22, 2021 19:08 by E. Christopher Clark

Thanks, Kahuna! I really appreciate you sharing this on your stream. Glad you got a kick out of these.

Oct 27, 2021 21:21 by Kahuna The Elder

My absolute pleasure!

Nov 1, 2021 08:33

You've done a great job! I appreciated :D

Nov 1, 2021 10:36 by E. Christopher Clark

Thanks so much for taking a look! And congrats again on finishing your own Spooktober project.

Nov 3, 2021 18:04

Loved these! Some very clever interpretations, and they are all very well done. Congrats!

Nov 5, 2021 11:00 by E. Christopher Clark

Thanks so much! These are super-fun to do, even on the days that were a bit more difficult than others. I'm glad folks are getting a kick out of them.

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