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Gigasius Progress Report

Gigasius Progress so far

2181 words 21.81% completed!

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Not a native English speaker, but I try.   I love when fantasy get's a bit weird and it's something I try to include into my texts when I can.

Interests & Hobbies

Warhammer, Fantasy and 40k are both close to my heart. Horror movies in general. I'm also a huge history and mythology buff. I also collect Dungeon Synth tapes.

Favorite Movies

Conan the Barbarian, Howl's Moving Castle, Alien, Annihilation, Mandy(Nic Cage movie), Ghost in the Shell('95), Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Favorite Books

Stormlight Archives books (Brandon Sanderson)
Silmarillion (Tolkien)
Eisenhorn (Dan Abnett)
Dune (Frank Herbert)
Conan books (Robert E. Howard. Robert Jordan's Conan books are pretty good too).

Favorite Writers

Brandon Sanderson, Frank Herbert, Tolkien, Robert E. Howard, Glen Cook, Dan Abnett, C.L Werner, Aaron Dembski-Bowden, Michael Moorcock, Robert Jordan.

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