Oneriwien Progress Report

Primary author of the NobleDark, Fantasy setting Realms of Ravare.


The coyote Beastfolk of Hallus.

742 words


The miscreated Deadfolk of Hallus.

953 words

Old Folk

The engineered Formedfolk of Hallus.

1223 words


The bitter Manfolk of Hallus.

488 words


The ram Beastfolk of Hallus.

578 words


The bison Beastfolk of Hallus.

551 words


The impish Faefolk of Hallus

498 words


The hulking Faefolk of Hallus.

524 words


255 words


The region surrounding the Gorgewald Forest.

192 words

Zypher District

The district of Shardholm that presides over religious buildings and ceremonies.

209 words

Guild Home District

The district of Shardholm that makes itself available to the various crafting and mercenary guilds of Haven.

158 words

Visitor District

The district of Shardholm that makes itself available to outsiders.

229 words

Otherwordly Patron: The Drifter

A gun⁃toting patron from the wild wastes of Hallus.

297 words


Self-created Formedfolk of Hallus with great control over Primal Fire.

366 words


The Heart of Nixus, the center most landmass amidst the Frozen Seas.

118 words

Skuld's Basin

An ancient hunting ground warded off from the rest of Nornval due to the dangerous beasts that have been living there for ages past.

193 words

Northern Nornval

The Northern half of Nornval on Nixus.

81 words

Southern Nornval

The Southern half of Nornval on Nixus.

81 words

Balagram's Fall

An area of land in the northern reaches of Nornval, it is a location that has been warped by the fall of Balagram, the Tyrant.

95 words

Yvvenra's Grove

A massive forest that is nestled with the Ice Fang Mountain range and is home to the Yvvenran Alvi and various known and unknown beasts.

75 words


The centermost expanse of Nornval, a large range of hills and flatlands covered in farms and pastures.

202 words

Holy Lands

The Westernmost Expanse of Nornval and formerly controlled by the Giants that dominated a portion of Nornval.

182 words


Ripped and torn asunder by Wyrms and their kin,it is a mountainous region where the stone peaks reach to pierce the sky and fall into dense forests.

275 words


Underneath the earth that makes up the outer layer of the continents within Nixus are vast expanses of frozen caverns and tunnels carved from primal ice.

104 words


The Southern territory of Ashlend, named after the thousands of earthen spires that pierce out of the ground.

95 words

Wetton Expanse

A water-rich Expanse within the Stonerush Territory.

148 words

Wetton Shores

The shoreline of the Wetton Expanse.

127 words


93 words

Lord of the Rails

Hallus Exarch of Railways, Travel, and Machinery.

129 words


The rail-bound Blessedfolk of Hallus.

417 words


The Ape Beastfolk of Hallus

476 words

Rail Engine

The technology behind the various Engines that work across the hundreds of railways across Hallus.

120 words

The Last Engine's Engine

The last and only Engine to run along the Great Railway.

17 words

Oneriwien Progress so far

10291 words 102.91% completed!

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Interests & Hobbies

Worldbuilding should be an obvious hobby. But I also enjoy art even if I am fairly terrible at it. I also spend a great deal of time on TTRPGs.

Favorite Movies

Requiem for a Dream, the Matrix Series, the Clerks, Pulp Fiction, Evil Dead 1/2, Army of Darkness, Europa Report, Alien series, and most Horror. Honestly far too many films to list them all.

Favorite TV Series

I've seen so much at this point it is hard to narrow down. Top 5 that I can think of is Twin Peaks, True Detective (S1), IT Crowd, the Good Place, and Oz.

Favorite Books

Uh. Horror books. 'Bout it. I don't consume a lot of reading material that isn't TTRPG related.

Favorite Games

Top 10 played games in order by playtime: Minecraft, WoW, Rimworld, Civilization V, Borderlands 2, Skyrim, Fallout 76, Path of Exile, Luck be a Landlord, and Risk of Rain 2.   But my favorite games of all time have to be: Rimworld, Risk of Rain 2, Astroneer, Inscryption, Project Zomboid, No Man's Sky, and of course Minecraft.

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Solar Pulse

Outer World

Inner World


Climate of Lethea