
Table of Contents

Introduction Book I: The Lost Legend of Korter

In the world of Frinxia

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Book I: The Lost Legend of Korter

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Ruin is a central theme of the events about to be described. In my attempts to date such events I have made some enemies among my own studious kind. I firmly believe what I am about to recount occurred in the post-Dolvar period of the Forgotten Age. For Dolvar to bring ruin the world must have been in prosperous times. The events described below clearly are not an example of prosperous times.

This tale is of the city of Korter in Fyrsta. The area is believed to be the spawn of vampires by its local residents. This is a fine theory regarding the origin of vampires if one ignores the records of vampires elsewhere. Therefore, I do not endorse such a belief. What is described is most probably the origin of Schaefer's children in Merarc. The city itself claims these events prove its longevity. This I do endorse as cities rising for a short time when righteous conditions were met was common in the Forgotten Age. The oral tradition does not deny the city fell out of divine favor before the resurrection of civilization. Meaning the city could very likely be ancient to some degree. 

Chapter I: The Ancient City of Korter Rises Through And Despite The Surrounding Chaos

In times forgotten, humanity lived in tribes. Sometimes wandering. Sometimes staying. But always fighting. Within the Merarcish region first over the others were the tribes descended from Inerduos-Ilvay. Whose triumphs were of mercy, compassion, and guidance. Among these tribes were the Bitter Kings and the Montukast. The Bitter Kings joined in union with the children of Inerduos-Ilvay after fleeing great flames in the forest north, nearby where St. Olash sleeps. But the Motukast had lived in Fyrsta long enough to remember a time without hunger. It was of these two tribes that the lands were tamed so a glorious city could rise. The Bitter Kings and the Montukast warred for centuries and the hatred between them was considered worth fearing by the other folk nearby. Yet, in the shadows of rivalry loved forged between two of the tribes' greatest warriors. The first, Kor, was of the Bitter Kings. He wielded an axe or two into the skulls of many. The other was Ter, who fought with tricks instead of blades. In battle they found mutual respect. Then in respect they found peace from the bloodshed of their peoples' feud. Alas, they could only embrace one another in times of struggle for else they'd arose punishment for entwining themselves with their great enemy. 

By the time they grew strong is wisdom yet to become in body Ter suggested they abandon their tribes to live happily forever instead of on the eave of battle. Kor agreed after receiving an omen. He had gone to the woods to clear his head and there he saw the ghostly figure of a baby girl. She told him Fortune would favor him if he left with Ter. For true might is only proven in times of risk. So the couple left each their own with the slumber of the sky. In darkness they embraced and built shelter along the sea, hoping to live the last of their days in peace. 

The Montukast learned of these events. But did not know where the couple resided. So in desperation informed the Bitter Kings of the couple's treachery. However, the Bitter Kings knew not of their location either. With anger both tribes shouted for bloodshed and fought. Once the warriors grew tired and the Bitter Kings' hall in a mess, the tribes agreed to hunt Kor and Ter together. The tribes learned to respect each other once again during this time. And pleasantries revealed previous injustices and slanders had been forgotten. Yet they still feasted on wrath and so centered their appetite on Kor and Ter. 

When the two tribes discovered their hut they surrounded the building. The couple emerged from the shelter. Kor shouted at the tribesmen while waving his unclean axe above his head. Ter scolded him and stepped forward to speak, "Lo, great kin of mine and my husband's. Please note your unity in your hunt for us. Although we broke our oaths to slaughter the other have we not brought you peace and unity?" The tribes grumbled between themselves. They replied, "Honored Ter, your words have slain many but today they bring harmony. We agree with them for we have realized previous injustices and slanders of our ancestors are no longer known to us. We shall unite here along the sea and proclaim the offspring of your union with Kor as our king!" Amused by their stupidity Ter said, "Friends, must I remind you? Of our union I surely am the one who feels sparks inside me. However, I am still male and unable to bear children." The Bitter Kings look confused because they did not know the mysteries of conception. Once all was explained to them, there was good and honest laughter from all regarding their ignorance. This quelled the remaining embers of fury in the hearts of the two tribes and Kor. The tribes insisted Kor and Ter were honored in some fashion in saying, "Truly your affection for one another has brough peace and will lead us into greatness. Since you are unable to conceive we shall acknowledge the city which we are to found as your offspring for it was your union which brought its creation! What shall you name this grandness?" The couple shrugged. Kor did not care for such ideas and his spouse had never considered this a possibility. So the tribes, also lacking elegant ways to name people and places, determined to bring the couple's names into one being. And thus the city of Korter was born.

Chapter II: The City's Oppression of The Sick

Four generations passed, which in those days wasn't very long, and no king had ever been proclaimed in the city of Korter. The prominent members of the city's founding tribes governed the city in a sort of council arrangement. It should be noted that this council was not the result of any legality, as is common nowadays. Instead, it was a informal gathering in which the influential offered plans to exploit those deemed lesser citizens. The favored method of tyranny of Eadred 'Nymph Killer', the most notable of the city's elite, was tricking citizens to venture outside the walls.

For outside the city's strong defense 

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