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Letter to the Council of Maelgoth

In the world of The Ouroboros

Visit The Ouroboros

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Letter to the Council of Maelgoth

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To the Council of Maelgoth:

War is coming—that truth I can no longer deny. Here in Solamnia’s eastern reaches, rumors swirl of human-led armies on the march, their ranks swelled by hobgoblins, minotaurs, ogres, and mysterious hooded mercenaries, all seeking a share of the spoils. Our allies in Nordmaar have fallen silent, and desperate travelers say the people of Khur have joined the enemy en masse. Whispers also speak of winged doom, wild reports of riders on dragonnels—and I dare imagine worse.

I don’t yet understand the shape of our enemy. Their motivations, their origins, and their very nature remain opaque. What is clear is that we face a threat unlike any since the Cataclysm. And when it comes, it will come for Kalaman.

Good lieges, I pray you make overtures toward healing the old wounds between our order and the Beacon of the East. If we knights are to meet this threat, we need the sharp eyes and strong shields of Kalaman as allies.

To aid your efforts, I have compiled my notes on the Kalaman region’s history, neighbors, and lore. I hope this knowledge proves useful in meeting the threat before us.

Live with honor,

Becklin Uth Viharin,
Knight of the Crown

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Aug 4, 2024 15:14

How did you get the manuscript to look like this?