Worldbuilding Prompts

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Answers to this prompt

Book of Laughter

by Rynn19

The Book of Two Gods

by Serukis

How to take care of your chick...

by milladamen

The Blueprint

by tjtrewin

Book of the After

by thechangeling

The <REVISED> Gift of Intentio...

by Naelin

Book of Exalted Deeds

by RiverFang


by Brinsmead

The Coming of the Avatars

by Lethann

Book of Irenaeus

by KajetanWrites

Book of the Hunt

by SoulLink

Avesta An'hang

by yeslittlehummingbird

Codex Biocosmia

by BCGR_Wurth

Speech from Her Above

by Frogdrake

The Daivasta

by Rashkavar

Bounty of the Springmother

by David_Ulph

Divine Teachings

by hcraven

Scrolls of the High Priest

by Michael Chandra

The Tome of the Regulars

by eccbooks

The Tuatha de Danaan book

by AzounIV

God's Words Within The Stone

by bugholders epiphany

The Claire Ledger

by LauraVAB

The Wisdom of Zaira

by Sayshara

The Zenith Scroll

by Eallixy


by hughpierre

Pigments of Faith

by Tillerz

The Divine Book

by Kaleidechse

Becoming Time: Body Preservati...

by Naelin

Das Krakräkissiano T'luro Is j...

by Racussa

Myèl e Mòrd

by CassandraSojourn

Tome of the Spider Queen

by sadwaffle

War Codex

by vtijms

World Testament of Arborole

by Ian Eiriksson

"The Era Brothers"

by Elis_Exists

A Compendium of Nights' Ritual...

by Moondare

Abstinence Manuscript, The

by Mikesoup


by M0rad0r

Antral's Texts

by Lyraine Alei

Anubis and the Gods

by Shell Mel

Book of Kitamate

by BonnieJam

Book of Stories

by NorthWhiteWolf

Book of the Celestial Guardian...

by kokkinopioupiou

Boor-Yit Eeñraat-Skenhy

by Zhuriel

Das Buch der Flamme

by AaronI

Glitter Bible

by tim-in-a-box

Journal of Friar Belfstian

by Wordigirl

Liber Odio

by Solaire503

Manifest der Stimmen

by Drake Ragon

Manifesto of Terb

by Lady Grayish

Melrias Chroniken

by Alresu


by Knalcarr

Nocturnal Magisterium

by Corvo Branco

Original Origins

by SilikG

Pillar of Sathrandar

by jaredmcdaris

Prayers and Tenets of Thena, G...

by DMMyali


by phd20

Tales of The Forgotten

by Cæruleus textor

Tazōzo Manuscripts

by Anpumes

Tenets of Community

by axym09

The Aretalogy

by Teasugarsalt

The Book of Prophecies

by Newrome

The Book of Whispers

by Tris

The Canon

by Hawkatana

The Contract between God and M...

by Legecko

The Covenant of the Voyahdae

by AWolvesDen

The Dawn War Scriptures

by Ikari_Akuma

The Di Santa Manuscript

by Sunflame

The First Mind

by Denzec

The Forger's Mandate

by Paul Norris

The Gospel of Liitto

by engineer_tom

The Holy Chorus

by smreine

The Khairas Verses

by CuttleSquish

The Oemen

by vermontwrites

The Old Ophir Catechism

by Jude Wriley

The Olus

by bananafire

The Road to Illumination

by Valcin

The Scroll of Beiler

by highlord_danran

The Scroll of Diversity.

by Cvesterholm

The Talons

by BasicDragon

The Treatises of Maizelic

by Scalenex

The Way of the Dreamer

by RPGDinosaurBob

The word of the broken hand

by Menk222

Tooth rock residents accounts...

by Lillithwolf

Traktat Of Maned

by Vertixico


by TureTauren

मुक्त किया गया विचार घोषणा-प...

by xtremepsy

* In order for your article to appear here it must be at least 300 words long, published and public!

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