Jabberwocks are a subspecies of dragon characterized by their ability to speak—albeit at such speed and with such excitement that they sound as if they’re talking nothing but nonsense. They get their name from the Bekiskish word meaning, roughly, “the fruit of a fruitless conversation.”
Anatomy & Morphology
Jabberwocky descend from the so-called Eastern Dragon and appear essentially identical to their non-speaking cousins. They have four legs, no wings, and a long serpentine body. Two horns emerge from the rear of the skull and point backwards. And four leathery tendrils emerge from the animal’s snout, calling to mind a long, drooping mustache.
Characteristics & Abilities
The jabberwock does not spit venom nor breath flame. No, its weapon is its words. The “jabbering” of a jabberwock can drive a listener to madness if the listener is not careful. The problem is that the jabberwock’s voice is musical and the sound of it is intoxicating. Many listeners won’t realize they're going nuts until they suddenly ask aloud if this talking dragon is suddenly making sense.
Once in the thrall of a jabberwock, a listener will forever after serve the will of the beast. And it is in this way that monster gathers strength to itself, collecting an army of mindless drones just by the fact that it never shuts up.
This is such a fun take on the poem. :D
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Thank you so much! I've been wanting to write this one for a while, ever since I went through the poem and built some of the world’s slang around it.