Siren’s Scroll
The Siren’s Scroll is a monthly lifestyle and entertainment magazine best known for its nude and semi-nude pin-up illustrations. Distributed on enchanted scrolls which display a new “page” each time they are furled and unfurled, the Siren’s Scroll was first published in Kirbyville in the year 53 and has been a part of Edenian society ever since. In fact, the phrase “go whole scroll” has become a fixture of Edenian slang.
Unlike many such magazines from The Real World, the Siren’s Scroll’s pin-ups represent a diverse mix of genders, species, and body types—both in terms of subjects and artists. And many believe that it is this mission of inclusiveness which has allowed the publication to survive and thrive. That, plus the excellent writing. Because of course, there are some folks who only read it for the articles.
I came to read this since you literally called me out on it! Yes, I did laugh out loud! "Furl & Unfurl", has got to have a blue anvil connotation in your world!
View my submissions for World Anvil WorldBuilding Awards 2025.
Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak.
Okay, mission accepted! I will come up with a furl/unfurl innuendo post-haste.
"She were a pretty enough lass, but she weren't my type." "No?" "Yar, she furled me sails quicker than a hurricane! Me mast were shattered, I tell ye."
Haly, the Moonlight Bard
Rhapsody by Moonlight , a daily email worldbuilding newsletter.
Hahahahaha, WINNER! I seriously don't think I can top that.