The Lost Triad
The Lost Triad has been the most popular comic book series in Eden since the Second Age. Published out of the city of Kirbyville in the land of Nunya, the comic chronicles the adventures of a legendary and unorthodox Bekiskapan Triad. Whereas most triads consisted of three men, three women, or three non-binary individuals, the titular Lost Triad was comprised of one man (Kutam), one woman (Larera), and their dire wolf (Tamada). The two humans were the last of their kind in Eden, and they came together out of necessity. As for the dog, they wouldn’t have been much of a triad with only two members.
- Kutam is a muscular male warrior who claims to have bedded as many people as he’s killed. Throughout the series, he makes several attempts to add Larera to his list of conquests. To date, he has never been successful.
- Larera is an athletic female warrior in search of someone “worthy of filling her womb.” She refuses to believe Kutam is the only Bekiskapan left and therefore constantly rebuffs his advances. And yet, every time she hooks up with a random stranger during their adventures and ends up disappointed, she seeks solace from her long-time friend.
- Tamada is a fierce hunter and an even fiercer friend. And yet, when he’s not in the middle of a fight, Tamada spends much of his time bewildered and confused. His attempts to understand the sexual tension between the other two members of his triad—and why they haven’t done anything about it yet—are a recurring joke throughout the series.
The series picks up where the popular myth about The Lost Triad left off. For the first fifty issues, the trio adventure throughout the mysterious Vale of Thunder and only occasionally bump into other humans and humanoids. But then, in issue 51, following a stunning real-life appearance by the trio in Kirbyville—later confirmed to be a group of amici imaginarium created by the collective will of the series’ fans—the comic book version of the Triad began to venture out of the valley and into the rest of Eden.
For a year or so, the stories told in the comic book were still fiction—exploits invented whole-cloth by the writers. But by issue 64, the series transformed into a nonfiction chronicle of the real lives of the Triad who’d been brought into existence through the series initial run.
As always, I love an X-Men reference! My favorite is that the dog is actually Nick Fury!!! Ahahahahahaha. Glad I could inspire you, I especially like the detail that they were magically brought to life and the comics became about their actual lives! I'm sure the continuity of that comic is extra nuts!
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YES! I was trying to puzzle out what the continuity of the comic would be for this, and my brain hurt. That's why this one's shorter than originally intended. Anyway, glad you liked that I made the dog Nick Fury. I guess I could have given him an eye patch for good measure. Missed opportuity!