Thünard (θuˈNARD)


Thünard (literally “green speak”), colloquially known as Dwarvish, is the predominant language of dwarven societies throughout the Clarkwoods Literary Universe. And because the dwarves are reality’s preeminent technological civilization—traveling here, there, and everywhere—their mother tongue has also become the interstellar language of commerce and diplomacy. In the land of Eden during Interregnums, there are nearly as many speakers of Thünard as there are of the halfling language Lüota—which is saying something, as Eden is like Halfling Central.

Spoken By
Common Phrases
Sna aud jül ust so.
Never forget who you are.
Vauk slüng, slüng, slüng, slüng, slüng, slüng, slüng fjamerdig trï er!
We dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig the whole day through.
Ejfstrë thëks ïkaflatrem!
Nobody tosses a dwarf!
Vü so prags kë splüso shtëgïmp fits fja. Së vü shpriso kë, baum brï ï vü.
It’s not easy being drunk all the time. If it were easy, everyone would do it.
Laun sprë ïkamoko. Mïmn narn.
Mark my words. There’s trouble brewing.
Ï prags vo fjaplaus!
Don’t tell the elf!


Consonant Inventory

Stopb pt dk g
Fricativev fθ ðsʃh
Lateral approximantl

Vowel Inventory


Syllable Structure



Stress Pattern

Stress in Thünard follows a predictable pattern:

  • A “foot” is defined as 2 syllables
  • Feet are built from the left edge of the word
  • Stress falls on the 2nd syllable of each foot

Spelling & Pronunciation

ddh / _o
auaw / _#


Word Order

The main word order is subject–verb–object. Adjectives come before the nouns they modify, as do adpositions (prepositions). Possessors come before possessees.



1st personspre /spre/ I, me, mine vauk /vɔk/ we, us, ours
2nd personust /ʊst/ you, yours er /er/ you all, yours (pl)
3rd person /vu/ he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its sha /ʃa/ they, them, theirs

Noun Cases

NominativeNo affix
pri /pri/ dog (doing the verb)
AccusativeIf starts with vowel: Prefix ik-
Else: Prefix ika-
ikapri /iˈkapri/ (verb done to) dog
GenitiveIf ends with vowel: Suffix -ta
Else: Suffix -ata
prita /priˈta/ dogʼs

Noun Definiteness

DefiniteIf starts with vowel: Prefix fj-
Else: Prefix fja-
fjapri /fjaˈpri/ the dog
IndefiniteIf starts with vowel: Prefix fl-
Else: Prefix fla-
flapri /flaˈpri/ a/some dog

Noun Number

SingularNo affix
pri /pri/ dog
PluralIf starts with vowel: Suffix -ko
Else: Suffix -ako
priako /priˈako/ dogs

Verb Aspects

HabitualIf starts with vowel: Prefix spl-
Else: Prefix splu-
splüslüng /spluˈsluŋ/ dig (often, habitually)
ProgressiveIf starts with vowel: Prefix lut-
Else: Prefix lu-
lüslüng /luˈsluŋ/ be digging
PerfectIf starts with vowel: Prefix t-
Else: Prefix tu-
tüslüng /tuˈsluŋ/ have dug

Verb Tenses

PastPrefix ʃpri-
shprislüng /ʃpriˈsluŋ/ dug
PresentNo affix
slüng /sluŋ/ dig
FuturePrefix e-
eslüng /eˈsluŋ/ will dig


Thünard has a base-12 number system:


1 - stre
2 - ko
3 - to
4 - griv
5 - spri
6 - gli
7 - aump
8 - prü
9 - po
10 - splo
11 - aund
12 - aundi
144 - düja
1728 - ets


Derivational morphology

  • Adjective → adverb = If ends with vowel: Suffix -nd; Else: Suffix -ind
  • Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = Suffix -ja
  • Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix s-; Else: Prefix sa-
  • Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = Suffix -ji
  • Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = If starts with vowel: Suffix -n; Else: Suffix -an
  • Noun to verb = If ends with vowel: Suffix -l; Else: Suffix -il
  • Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -mp; Else: Suffix -imp
  • Tending to = If ends with vowel: Suffix -nts; Else: Suffix -ɛnts
  • Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ns; Else: Suffix -ons
  • Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = If starts with vowel: Prefix ʃp-; Else: Prefix ʃpɔ-
  • One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ʃd; Else: Suffix -uʃd
  • Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -nu; Else: Suffix -u
  • Diminutive = If starts with vowel: Prefix ʃr-; Else: Prefix ʃro-
  • Augmentative = If starts with vowel: Prefix fr-


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Jan 2, 2023 11:45

The detail about the iambic pentameter was fun, I would have loved to see an example of it :D

Jan 2, 2023 13:34 by E. Christopher Clark

Yeah, that was a late arriving idea. I should have spent more time revising after that. But thank you for reading!

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