Uther Pendragon

Uther Pendragon

Uther Pendragon, the first King of Promiseland, was one of the so-called False Kings who dominated Wonderland during the Second Age of Eden. One of several steerage passengers who arrived here following the Earth-666 sinking of the Titanic, he conspired with his fellows to reverse their fortunes and fill a power vacuum left by the much-beloved but now-disappeared Bekiskapan.


Born in 1894 as Luther Dawkins, the future King Uther called the Earthling city of London, England his home from birth until his fateful trip in April 1912. The grandson of a pickpocket who’d spent time in the penal colony of Australia, Luther was never expected to amount to much. And had his iteration of reality not come to an end, he might not have.


Arriving in Eden in the year 114 as a fresh-faced eighteen-year-old kid, he could not believe the reverence with which the natives revered he and his fellow refugees. By manipulating superstition around the prophecy of “The Promised Return, Uther gained control over the territory of Promiseland. Then fueled by his belief that he was “owed” for all that he’d suffered so far in his life, he became one of the most tyrranical leaders in Edenian history.


And one of the most fiscally irresponsible.


In the year 138, deep in debt and flush in little but grain byproducts, he employed the talented Marnie Miller to transfigure bales and bales of straw and hay into piles and piles of gold. Drunk on the possibilities that Marnie’s magic opened up for him, Uther saw to it that the woman’s husband was killed. Then, to keep her around, Uther married the young widow himself.


Two years later, however, when the truth came out about Uther’s machinations, he was forced to abdicate and hand over power to his wife and their young son Arthur.


Marnie Miller


Towards Uther Pendragon

Uther Pendragon


Towards Marnie Miller

King of Promiseland
Title Established
96 144
Marnie Miller (spouse)


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Dec 1, 2024 20:28 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ugh. I would feel sorry for him, but his later deeds do not allow me to. Poor Marnie.

Emy x
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Dec 1, 2024 22:48 by E. Christopher Clark

Yep, he's not a great guy. That said, partially inspired by my recent watch of The Penguin, I wanted to give even my bad guys compelling backstories that might make you ALMOST want to root for them.

Dec 12, 2024 23:46 by Chris L

I was not expecting your Uther analogue to be a survivor of the Titanic! Another cool twist on a historically uncool guy!

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak.

Dec 13, 2024 02:54 by E. Christopher Clark

Thanks! Yeah, I was originally thinking they (the False Kings) would all be Titanic survivors. I'm not sure if I'm sticking with that or not, but it was a great starting point.

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