The Arrival of Refugees in Eden is a rare event that is so different each time it occurs that the traditions and rituals surrounding it have evolved considerably over time.
The Bloodying of the Scarecrows is a Munchkin ritual intended to discourage vampires and other siphons from tormenting villagers along the eastern borders of Oz.
An informal agreement in most iterations of reality, and very formal peace treaty in one.
Sex Education is a vital part of the compulsory education plan set down by the Council of Five.
The Coronation of the Queen of Hearts is a lavish ceremony which formally bestows the power and privileges of the office upon the new monarch.
A ceremony which confers knighthood upon an Elind Knight's apprentice.
A rite of passage for priestesses of the Faith of the First Mother, 'The First Touch' is a ritualistic sexual awakening.
The Üliba Owo is a prayer in which movement plays a central role. In fact, there are no other universally agreed-upon components of a proper Üliba Owo. The only thing that really matters it that you are moving… somehow.
The so-called “widow’s mohawk” was a hairstyle worn by widowed members of a Bekiskapan Triad as a symbol of their grief, their thirst for vengeance, and their desire to find a new partner to fill out their trio.
This world is competing in the Worldbuilding Awards under the Artist's Most Beautiful World category.