Dragon Watcher
Dragon Watchers are independent contractors in the land of Eden who earn a living by covertly tracking dragons, uncovering their nesting places, and then parlaying that information into cash in one of two ways:
- Selling intelligence about these nesting locations to Edenian governments or corporations to help prevent the destruction of public or private property which will result from the explosive force of a hatching; or,
- Waiting at a safe distance until after hatching, then scouring the sight of said hatching for loose, discarded dragon scales.
Considering how protective dragons are of their eggs, dragon watching is a dangerous profession. And yet, it can be extremely lucrative for the bold and the brave (or the incredibly stupid and lucky). Dragon scales are a highly valued commodity, and information which might prevent unwanted explosions is just as prized.
Many watchers, especially in the Free Cities of Nunya, are struggling artists just trying to make ends meet. It is not uncommon to meet a watcher in your travels who is “working on their first album” or whose been scribbling down a “real estate novel” (whatever that is) in their spare time.
A certain thirst for danger and/or disregard for one’s own safety.
Career Progression
None, save for an eventual retirement—hopefully with all of one’s limbs intact.
Payment & Reimbursement
Governments pay slightly less than private organizations, but everyone respects how dangerous the job is generally pays accordingly.
I remember reading about these guys! Nice to see a bit more about them. I, too, am curious as to the identity of a 'real estate novel'. XD
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Haha, the "real estate novel" is a reference to Billy Joel's song "Piano Man." One of the people at the bar is described as a "real estate novelist" and I've always wondered what the heck that meant.