Dragon Scales
Dragon scales are armored skin cells shed by infant dragons during their first days of life. Though not quite as durable and damage-resistant as the scales of mature dragons, they do have the benefit of not being attached to a living, fire-breathing drake. So, you know, there’s that.
Prized as a raw material by armorers the world over, dragon scales provide a strong protective barrier against most attacks. Though it takes a skilled craftsperson a lot of time and effort to shape the scales into useful and comfortable garments, the peace of mind they provide the wearer is priceless. And so, though dragon-scale armor will cost you a pretty penny, you will almost certainly outlive your regrets.
Before the shaping of a dragon-scale garment can begin, however, the individual scales must be gathered—typically from the site of a recent hatching. So-called “dragon watchers” play a pivotal role in the process, identifying where future sources of dragon scale will be found. Just by watching for draconic activity on the Five Moons of Eden or other sources of extreme heat, watchers can make themselves very rich indeed. They just have to make sure a dragon never catches them watching.
A nesting drakaina doesn’t like an audience. No sir. And she’ll have no qualms about attacking if threatened, then moving her egg elsewhere.
After she cooks and eats you, of course.
Material Characteristics
Dragon scales in their unadulterated form are a series of rigid overlapping plates, each about the size of an average human being’s closed fist. Depending on the length of time since the shedding, some or all of the connective tissue which held the scales together may remain. This is discarded, even if it’s intact, as it will eventually wither to dust anyway and need to be replaced by man-made alternatives.
Physical & Chemical Properties
No matter how long it has been since the scales were shed, they remain warm to the touch. They are highly resistant to slashes, cuts, and punctures and impervious to damage from external heat sources. Only extreme cold can permanently damage them, and only then if they are exposed for a significant amount of time.
Geology & Geography
Though small numbers of scales may be shed on any surface a dragon soars above during its first days of life, the preponderance of scales are found in the craters left by the explosive hatching of dragon eggs.
These craters are most common on the Five Moons of Eden, though they are occasionally found in other warm areas throughout the world.
What a great resource. I definitely would not want to be one of the dragon watchers, I don't think the money is worth the risk of being cooked and eaten. :D I like that the scales remain warm to the touch.
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Thanks for reading! I came up with the dragon watchers on the fly, but now I kinda want to write about someone who would be crazy enough to take that job on.