
F-Major is a performance-enhancing substance, derived from the natural oils of the piano tuna, which grants the user the ability to stay perfectly in tune while singing—and to consistently hit notes they might otherwise have been too timid to attempt without help. It has also been used to treat musical instruments of all kinds, which offers the players of those instruments similar benefits. To be able to sing or play for hours on end, without any degradation in performance? It’s a dream come true!


However, the substance is heavily stigmatized. Many Edenians believe any use of F-Major to be a form of “cheating.” As a result, most of those who do partake go to great lengths to hide their use of the substance. And that development has been a boon for drug dealers, who now have a secondary income stream in the form of blackmail.



In its natural, undiluted state, F-Major is a clear semifluid ranging from off-white to yellow in color. It is moist and sticky to the touch, a gross feeling which makes most folks not want to ingest it.


Common Usage

F-Major acts in numerous ways, depending on what would be most beneficial in a given situation, but it most commonly acts as a strengthening agent and/or a lubricant. When used by singers, it reduces the need for continued hydration during long performances. When used by the players of stringed instruments, it helps to keep strings from breaking and to keep tuning pegs firmly in place. And when used in the playing of woodwinds and brass, when applied to the mouthpiece or reed of the instrument, it helps to keep performers from losing their breath.


There are purportedly many other potential uses for F-Major, including the lubrication of machines, but the performers of the world continually exhaust the supply. Scientists aren’t exactly happy about this.

Off-White / Yellow
Boiling / Condensation Point
836.1 °F
Melting / Freezing Point
-47.2 °F
Common State
Related Species


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Jul 23, 2024 00:26 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Poor scientists, bereft of the stinky fish oil. :( I can see why some people would view its use as cheating musically.

Emy x
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Jul 23, 2024 11:39 by E. Christopher Clark

Yeah, I was thinking of the backlash against autotuning technology here in the real world.

Aug 5, 2024 00:19 by Chris L

Did you just make the perfect lubricant for the other kind of wood work? I think you did.

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak.

Aug 9, 2024 00:44 by E. Christopher Clark

roflmao! Look what I do when I'm not even meaning to. My mind will now be taking up permanent residence in the gutter, lol.

Aug 9, 2024 14:23 by Chris L

I'm sure they discovered all about it in band camp.

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak.

Aug 9, 2024 14:59 by E. Christopher Clark

This one time, at Band Camp, I stuck a flute up my…

Aug 11, 2024 12:36

Congratulations, your article made it into my top 10 favorites for the material. Despite the few words, you wrote an entertaining, funny article with lots of information. I don't think I would take it just to be able to sing better. There is nothing more disgusting than fish oil. But your idea was very creative and I really enjoyed reading your article. Great.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue's Worlds, Elaqitan & Naharin.

Aug 11, 2024 13:51 by E. Christopher Clark

Aw, thanks! I used to take a fish oil supplement when I was in my late 20s and it was definitely gross, even though I took it as part of a smoothie/morning drink thing.

Aug 12, 2024 18:44

Enjoyable article! Would love to know why it's called F-Major specifically!

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Aug 13, 2024 00:59 by E. Christopher Clark

Thanks! And you know what, I think there used to be a reason but I've since forgotten it. The F might've been for "fish" originally? That's kind of ringing a bell.

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