Piano Tuna

Piano Tuna are a species of saltwater fish native to the Sea of Tears. Created through the Reekian process of Genetic Elevation and Manipulation, Piano Tuna are one of several species of singing fish found in Eden. What distinguishes them from other such fish is their perfect pitch and their overwhelming desire to hunt and destroy singing fish who cannot hold a tune.
Piano Tuna, like their Earthling counterparts the Atlantic Bluefin, are active and agile predators—but when they kill an off-key fish, they refuse to consume said fish’s vocal chords. They’ll eat everything else, but they want no part in potentially contaminating their own precious voice boxes.
It is worth noting that some squeaky and scratchy species who have traditionally been a favorite target of Piano Tuna have recently evolved the ability to harmonize, a key defensive technique that keeps the judgy apex predators away.
Fish oil derived from Piano Tuna (“F-Major”) is a coveted substance amongst musical performers throughout Eden, as it allows singers to stay on key without fail and instrumentalists to keep their instruments from falling out of tune. That said, some Edenian audiences consider performances where F-Major is utlized to be scandalous and altogether inferior. Because of this, no serious musician will ever admit to using the substance in public.
Ahahahahah this is an amazing article, absolutely love the piano tuna!!
I can't wait to share the image for this one. I think you'll get a kick out of it, once it's done.