Sex Education

Sex Education is a vital part of the compulsory education plan set down by the Council of Five. Because refugees regularly arrive in Eden from failed iterations of reality and soon panic about the long-term survival of their species, establishing common ground rules on sexual and reproductive health and rights is viewed as essential.


That said, conservative groups see this requirement as an unnecessary tradition which leads directly to the moral decay of “the Goddess’ children.”


During The First Age, prior to the founding of The Council of Five and long before Edenians realized that The Seven Voices could sing new iterations of reality into existence, there was a general panic over the long-term survival of sapient species. Plans were already underway on how to preserve endangered species of the non-sapient variety, but there was a great deal of resistance—understandably so—to grand plans for sapients which included mandatory reproduction.


When the Council formed, they were tasked by the regional governments they represented with addressing this problem. The answer was to make comprehensive sex education a requirement of all public schooling establishments throughout the world, and to require all adults to enroll in a refresher course in order to maintain their voting rights. This, the Council believed, would help to educate the diverse populace about the varied sexual and reproductive behaviors of their neighbors, and to proclaim in no uncertain terms that mandatory reproduction was a violation of sapient rights—no matter how endangered a population was


In future eras, once the Council was able to show proof of reality’s reboots, the calls for mandatory reproduction died out entirely. Pacified by the knowledge that their species would continue on in the universe to come, no matter what happened here in Eden, folks were far less nervous about fulfilling some sort of biological imperative.


Despite this, however, sex education has remained a compulsory part of the Council of Five’s broader educational requirements to the present day.


Lessons begin late in primary school or early in secondary school, depending on the pace of sexual development for the species in question. In schools with a mixed population, those students who are deemed too young for the content are separated and given additional lessons in another subject.

Components and tools

Educational materials vary from school to school, but typically include both texts and audiovisual media. During the final year of schooling in some schools, students who have reached the age of majority for their species will watch live demonstrations put on by trained sex workers.

The First Age
Primary Related Location


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Jul 25, 2024 00:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Yeah, I can see why this is massively important. Thank goodness they ruled that mandatory reproduction was Bad though.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 25, 2024 02:02 by E. Christopher Clark

Right? It's hard to imagine that someone (or many someones) would push for that, but then you read or watch The Handmaid's Tale or listen to Republican rhetoric here in the United States and you go, "This ain't as far-fetched as I wish it was."

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Aug 5, 2024 00:36 by Chris L

This is one of the things I wish we could pull from your worlds into ours!

Take a look at my Institutions of Learning challenge article.

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Aug 9, 2024 00:38 by E. Christopher Clark

Wouldn't it be great?!

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