The Seven Voices

The Seven Voices are the group of seven individuals who, according to legend, “sing” each iteration of reality into existence.


In the land of Eden, during the Interregnums between iterations of reality, various methods for gathering the Voices have been used over the course of history. The most infamous of these took place in the Fourth Age of Eden, where an annual Harvest of the Voices was held to try and identify the seven people who will restart the world.


Based on what we know from The Tome of the Regulars, each of the seven voices who emerge fit neatly into one of the following “stock god” archetypes. This has led some to believe that The Seven Voices are deities of some sort, a pantheon which is reincarnated each time it is needed.


The Seven Archetypes

  • The Voice of Love and Life
  • The Voice of Wisdom and the River
  • The Voice of Dreams and Hope
  • The Voice of Death and Mortality
  • The Voice of War and Conflict
  • The Voice of Mischief and Chaos
  • The Voice of Money and Material

Never Again Real

The other element of Seven Voices lore which seems to be accurate is that, once one has served as member of The Seven Voices, one may never again exist as anything but a fictional character or archetype. Whether potential Voices are made aware of this sacrifice before they volunteer is a matter which is still up for debate.


Notable Groups

The Seven Voices of the First Age

memories of this group survived the end-of-age reboot, at least partially, and inspired the development of the Greco-Roman pantheon of deities in the next iteration of reality outside Eden

  • Aphrodite: the elven Voice of Love and Life
  • Athena: the human Voice of Wisdom and the River
  • Morpheus: the kíndallan Voice of Dreams and Hope
  • Persephone: the qhirat Voice of Death and Mortality
  • Ares: the dwarven Voice of War and Conflict
  • Dionysus: the halfling Voice of Mischief and Chaos
  • Hermes: the golemic Voice of Money and Material


The Seven Voices of the Second Age

the only all-female group and the only all-human group

  • Wendy Darling: The Voice of Love and Life
  • Jo March: The Voice of Wisdom and the River
  • Dorothy Gale: The Voice of Dreams and Hope
  • Miranda D’Prospero: The Voice of Death and Mortality
  • Juliet Capulet: The Voice of War and Conflict
  • Alice Lewis: The Voice of Mischief and Chaos
  • Katrina van Tassel: The Voice of Money and Material
Religious, Pantheon


Author's Notes

Thanks to AuthorGoddess for the suggestion, during my April 12, 2023 Twitch Stream, that once you’ve served as a member of The Seven Voices, you give up any chance of existing for real in the future and instead become just a legend.

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Jan 2, 2021 01:16 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is a really interesting concept. I like that a festival is held to try to find them, but that it's not clear whether it's ever been successful.

Emy x
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
Jan 2, 2021 14:25 by E. Christopher Clark

Thanks, Emy! This concept is central to the book (or, possibly, series) that I plan on writing after I finish the series I'm working on now.

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