
Winkies are an ethnic group of halflings best known for their love of science. The “tinfolk” created through their revolutionary tin transplant process are a cultural export coveted by peoples across the whole of Eden. The thoughtful and kind tinfolk, many of them reborn Winkies themselves, are trusted advisors to the most powerful leaders across the land.


The Winkies, like all halflings alive today, exist only in the land of Eden—a place all but inaccessible to other sapient beings, except during the Interregnums between iterations of reality. But before The Calamity which brought them to Eden, the Winkies called Earth home.


Little is known about this now ancient history, save for the Winkies love of science and technology. What we do know is that enough Winkies survived The Calamity to keep their culture intact during their exile in Eden, and that their knowledge and wisdom were invaluable to the peoples who called that place home during the first Interregnum.


The Winkies and their fellow halflings of Munchkin, Gillikin, and Quadling descent were so instrumental in bringing The First Age to an end—and in keeping relative peace throughout that period—that legend has it they were invited by the gods of Eden to be the custodians of that secret garden during each attempt at reality which came thereafter.


Sadly, in their role now as “natives” of the land, they were never again respected as they had been during the first post-apocalyptic period.


At the start of each Interregnum that followed, the halflings were pushed from their homelands by the refugees of the latest failed reality. And while the Winkies were less bitter than their Munchkin and Gillikin cousins, the reservations of whom straddled the borders of other nations, they still withdrew from society as whole. They gave counsel now only when pressed for it, and never of their own devices.

Encompassed species
Languages spoken


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Jul 12, 2021 22:00 by Avalon Arcana

THE WINKIES!!!! YES! oh yes they lived up to expectations. I love them and their tinkerings. :)

You should check out the The 5 Shudake, if you want of course.
Jul 19, 2021 20:36 by E. Christopher Clark

Yay! I can't wait to write more about them in the future.

Jul 16, 2021 23:59 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the Winkies! <3

Emy x
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Jul 19, 2021 20:37 by E. Christopher Clark

Excellent! They love you right back. :-)

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