
Nanlaríx (Moldése for “cursed fish”) are a species of shape-shifting carnivorous marine animals. They are native to the waterways of the kíndallan homeworld of Gadalla.


Nanlaríx are notable for originating the viral version of ichthyothropy and for being the only creatures in existence that The Cult of the Lord fears.


Encounters between human beings and nanlaríx during Interregnums between iterations of reality led directly to Earthling myths and legends about sea monsters. And frighteningly, in more recent iterations of reality, nanlaríx have begun to use The River Without End to migrate between worlds. Each time reality reboots, they draw ever closer to the smell of human flesh—which they have come to favor during Interregnums past.

Basic Information


In its natural state, a nanlaríx is a horned serpentine creature with two forelimbs fashioned into flippers, a dorsal fin for stability, and a fluked tail for propulsion.


Though they can mimic any animal they encounter, they favor taking the shape of beasts they’ve witnessed striking fear into the hearts of lesser creatures. And they are particularly notable for the ways in which they combine attributes of other species to create newer and more terrifying forms.

Genetics and Reproduction

Nanlaríx who have reached maturity may choose at any time to return to a waterway rich in The Waters of the River Without End to reproduce. The act of reproduction begins with the shedding of skin cells onto the river bed by one individual. This continues until enough individuals have shed enough cells that a new nanlaríx can be born from the detritus.

Growth Rate & Stages

Nanlaríx emerge from the river beds where they are born as fully functioning individuals. They mature bit by bit as they hunt and feed, absorbing the mass of their prey until they have reached a size of their liking. After that, the act of feeding is an act of pure pleasure and the shedding of skin cells to produce new nanlaríx begins.

1,200 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern


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Jan 14, 2021 05:38 by Maybe Stewart

The reproduction process is fascinating, and they sound terrifying. I'd love to see them in action -- from a distance.

Jan 14, 2021 14:20 by E. Christopher Clark

Thank you! I was trying to work on an illustration for them last night, but couldn't get it quite right. I do plan on doing one at some point in the future, though.

Jan 16, 2021 16:28 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Well these are absolutely terrifying creatures. No, thank you! :D

Emy x
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Jan 16, 2021 18:42 by E. Christopher Clark

Yeah, I'm kind of scared they came out of my brain!

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