The Orange Crown

The Orange Crown of Onterey is headpiece worn by the reigning monarch of the queendom. Though silver in color when worn by Onterey’s first queen, it was dyed by the first queen’s daughter Annox upon her ascension to the throne. Using juices squeezed from 100 of the queendom’s prized oranges as the dyeing agent, the crown was kept submerged in the solution for a fortnight—delaying Annox’s coronation by weeks. But it was that important for the raven-haired Annox to pay homage to the auburn tresses of her mother, a birthright denied her and her daughters by her plain father and his rather ordinary (but dominant) genes.

Manufacturing process

The crown consists of two interlocking pieces of hand-crafted silver, since dyed orange.


It was roughly crafted as a wedding gift by the poor stonemason’s son The First Queen took for her first husband, then improved upon by each subsequent husband until it had reached a form the Queen considered respectable.


The Orange Crown represents the sovereignty of the monarchs of Onterey. She who wears the crown has absolute power over the queendom.

Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Current Location
Current Holder

There is only one in existence.

0.44 lbs


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Dec 13, 2020 12:47 by TC

Interesting item! I like all the little details surrounding it, and how it came to be dyed.

Creator of Arda Almayed
Dec 13, 2020 15:27 by E. Christopher Clark

Thanks! In this case, I came up with the image first. I wanted it to be orange, but there wasn't a story-based reason why yet. So it was fun to come up with a reason.

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