Thida was the goddess of the ancient Bekiskapan religion of Hornaism. Depicted as a bipedal triceratops, she is believed to have led the first Bekiskapan out of the dangerous wilderness of their Earth and to the edge of the river where they would find their salvation—and the ingredients necessary to create their famous stone skin.
Sometimes called the Three-Horned Goddess of the Pale Dawn Light, Thida was worshipped at first light of each day and offered sacrifices on the first day of each year. The Bekiskapan believed that Thida’s three horns were represented in the sky as the Sun, Moon, and Morning Star respectively, and that one would be blessed with a day of divine luck if one were to spy all three horns in the morning sky at the same time. Seeing all three at dusk, however, was viewed as an ill omen—a trick of the Nameless One, a trickster god who the Bekiskapan believed was Thida’s opposite number.
In Eden, after The Calamity which brought their iteration of reality to an end, the Bekiskapan were introduced to a myriad of belief systems from across the the cosmos. And in the religion of the dwarves known colloquially as The Old Faith, many Bekiskapan saw similarities. Orderly Mira seemed like just another version of Thida to them, whereas chaotic Phina felt like the Nameless One had finally been named.