Arties are an ethnic group of artificial life forms who are largely isolationist and hostile towards the biological life forms who created them.
The Aünupa were a Reekian people characterized by their devotion to youth and beauty, and by their loose interpretation of ancient Bekiskapan values.
The Bekiskapan first made a name for themselves by charging into battle wearing chain-mail bikinis. And yet, their contributions to Edenian culture stretch far beyond the ludicrous outfits they wore during combat.
Egregore are an ethnic group of amici imaginarium distinguished by the fact that they are born from the thoughts of a collective rather than the thoughts of an individual.
Gillikins are an ethnic group of halflings known for their love of money and their stewardship of Edenian secrets.
An itinerant ethnic group who wander The Nunyan Wastes and act as that land's most expert Happy Place harvesters.
A group of shapeshifting aliens with color associations Earthlings just don't understand.
Leprechauns are an ethnic group of fae-halfling mixers native to the islands of Neverland.
Munchkins are an ethnic group of halflings known for their love of country—and how hard they’ll fight to protect what’s theirs.
Pixies are an ethnic group of fae distinguished by their tiny stature and incredibly potent magic.
An ethnic group of halflings known for their love of love… and for the inhospitable land they call home.
The Restless were a group of Earthlings who left their home planet out of frustration with the pace of technological advancement there.
Winkies are an ethnic group of halflings known for their love of science and their creation of the tin transplant process.
This world is competing in the Worldbuilding Awards under the Artist's Most Beautiful World category.