Amicus Imaginarium

Amici Imaginarium are a symbiotic species born of the imagination—typically the imagination of a child. These non-physical entities are theoretically immortal and omnipotent, but they fade from the world when forgotten. And thusly, it is their biological imperative to seek out other minds to tether themselves to.


Some amici simply drive their original hosts to share knowledge of them with friends and younger relatives. Others, those with more artistic hosts, compel their creators to draw them incessantly—thereby providing physical reminders of their presence, and making it less likely they’ll be forgotten entirely.

Basic Information


The anatomy and morphology of amici is extremely diverse. Their appearances are often a blend of two or more animal species, with the most friendly and non-threatening features of each glommed together by their creator’s imagination. Other common appearance types include the sapient-animal mix (a person with an elephant’s head, for example), the sapient with wings or horns or other “odd” appendages, and ambulatory versions of childhood toys that have been given the power of speech.


Some amici, in a desperate bid to stave off annihilation, will take on the more grotesque features of the monsters children imagine hiding in closets or under the bed. But though these wretches tend to live longer than their purely friendly counterparts, their existence is a vile one—a diet of fear being far less nourishing than a diet of love.

Genetics and Reproduction

Most amici don’t live long enough to even contemplate the act of procreation, let alone to take part in it. Those who do are given a nearly limitless array of options for reproduction, though none of these options guarantee an amici’s offspring will live past the initial spark of their idea.


The most reliable breeding method is, in fact, crossbreeding. The Egregore Zeus delighted in this approach, transforming himself not only into other sapient beings, but into eagles, bulls, and swans as well—not to mention his appearances as columns of flame and showers of gold. His half-breed offspring were many and various, allowing him to live on into the present day—never having been entirely forgotten (even if he is worshipped slightly less than he was in his prime).


Other methods include carving off a piece of one’s self to create someone new (as the kíndallans do) and coupling with another amici (and hoping the hosts of both yourself and your partner will tell a memorable enough tale of the offspring that said offspring can survive).

Growth Rate & Stages

Most amici evolve—and devolve—solely at the whims of their creators. Growing bigger or smaller, fuzzier or more bald, or even adding or subtracting appendages—those sorts of changes are all up to the creator.


The exception to this rule are those who sacrifice themselves for the betterment of their host. Those amici are then invited by the sister goddesses Mira and Phina, the only true deities in the Clarkwoods Literary Universe, to take a permanent form (which will be easier for the masses to imagine and to idolize).

Additional Information

Social Structure

Most amici are entirely unaware of other members of their species. Many children, shy about the potential social consequences of admitting they have an imaginary friend, remain silent of the subject—thereby eliminating the only chance one amicus has to meet another.


That said, amici who have been elevated to the so-called God Tier are often introduced to one another by the sister goddesses who elevated them. They then form pantheons for mutual advantage.

Average Intelligence

While an amicus’ intelligence is initially limited by the imagination of their creator, amici can absorb vasts swaths of information far quicker than their creator counterpart. Their intellectual capacity is theoretically limitless.


That said, when interacting with the person who invented them, an amicus is far more likely to play the fool than show off how smart they are. Remember: they don’t want to piss off their creator and be forgotten.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The extent of an amicus’ abilities is limited only by the imagination of their host. So, while most are restricted to affecting the interior world of their host, some (those with truly visionary hosts) are able to influence the real world too—the world outside of their hosts’ minds.


And those who call themselves Egregore—who were born of the collective thoughts of a group instead of a solitary individual—have even more power at their disposal.

Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Amicus Imaginarium
11–12 years
Average Height
Highly Variable
Average Weight
Highly Variable
Average Length
Highly Variable
Related Ethnicities


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Aug 7, 2022 07:58 by Grace Gittel Lewis

I like the concept here! Several nice touches with how each can be unique, from the way they live, the way they look, all the way to the way they die and reproduce. Nicely done!

Aug 7, 2022 10:42 by E. Christopher Clark

Thanks so much! I had the very beginnings of the idea during the Rivers & Waterways Challenge and was thrilled to get the chance (via the right prompt) to fianlly write it here.

Aug 27, 2022 19:42 by Jamie C

Brilliant concept!

Aug 28, 2022 01:10 by E. Christopher Clark

Thanks so much! I'm really hoping to do some storytelling with these fine creatures at some point in the near future.

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