Bandersnatches are a species of genetically modified war dogs, best known for their speed, their extendible necks, and their strong, broad jaws. The species gets its name from the ancient Bekiskish word for leader (“bander”) and for its strong preference to attack the enemy’s first-in-command during any hostile encounter.
Unfortunately for Edenians, the military operation which paid for the development of the Bandersnatch has long since disappeared. And now that the Bandersnatches are out in the wild with no masters to hold their leashes, it’s entirely up to these incredible animals to decide which leaders to attack and which to leave alone.
Basic Information
The Bandersnatch was created by experimenting on Rottweilers and strongly resembles that breed of dog. It has a medium-length skull, broad between the ears, with a forehead which appears moderately arched from the side. The neck, whether extended or retracted, is strong with tight skin and typically no dewlap. And the body is a well-muscled machine, ready to run down and “snatch” its target on a moment’s notice.
Regarding the neck: it is of an average length when retracted. However, while standing still and with all four paws firmly planted, the Bandersnatch may extend its neck to a length of six feet. That said, it’s important to note that this “super power” of the Bandersnatch is not meant for prolonged use. The idea is to snatch at target that would otherwise be out of reach and to pull them back with a snap.
Genetics and Reproduction
All Bandersnatches are biologically male. That’s just how they’re made. The only way to produce a new Bandersnatch is in a lab, and the Reekian biotech firm which invented them went out of business when the First Age came to an end.
During the Second Age, numerous firms attempted to replicate the process used to create the Bandersnatch. None were successful, not even the folks who caught one and tried to just outright clone it. In fact, that attempt ended more disastrously than any other. The Bandersnatch decided that all three of the scientists on the project were equally in charge, then he killed and ate them all.
Growth Rate & Stages
It is believed that the Bandersnatch grows to maturity at the same pace as any other dog. That said, the notes on their upbringing have been lost.
Ecology and Habitats
Bandersnatches appear throughout Eden, with a mysterious preference for the forests of Wonderland. They are carnivores, though unlike their canine ancestors, Bandersnatches are solitary hunters and have been known to kill others of their kind if they feel their territory is being threatened.
Additional Information
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
The Bandersnatch has been genetically engineered to identify the leader—the bander—of a group through smell alone.
O frabjous day! Love this take on the bandersnatch. It's a shame a lot of the notes on them have been lost to time.
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
Yeah, I may play with recreating them at some point, but I wanted them to be rare, mysterious, and frightening in the main timeline of the story.