Ingvar Östenson, King of Neverland, was dashing and much beloved hero in the corner of Eden which he called home. Patient and compassionate where his father was impulsive and heartless, he gathered a passionate following in the years after Östen cast him out. And once he met and married the equally popular Aesling O’Briar, Ingvar was an unstoppable force for positive change on the Sea of Tears.
Born in Seadog City in the year 116, to the pirate captain Iris Coombs, Ingvar knew almost as little of his mother as he knew of his philandering ne’er-do-well of a father. Though not technically an orphan, he was raised at the Home for Little Wanderers—alongside dozens of other children whose parents were either dead or so often at sea that they might as well have been.
Though everyone knew that he was the first-born son of the king, Ingvar never lorded his status over his “siblings” at the Home. In fact, he went out of his way never to introduce himself as Ingvar Östenson. Instead, he went by the name Varr O’Salt for most of his life. Only when he realized the good he could do by declaring himself openly did he begin trading on his birth name.
In 135, on a visit to his father’s castle, Ingvar overheard his father’s plans to steal the Sword of the River from The City of Hearts and assembled a threat response team to stop him. The resulting battle cemented Ingvar’s reputation as a do-gooder, not only in Neverland but throughout the whole of Wonderland. And when he was disowned by his vengeful father for his meddling, that only increased his popularity.
A year later, in the village of Mab Bexkosh on the Island of Pirates, Ingvar met his future wife upon her waking from a cursed 100-year-long sleep. Together, they would liberate Neverland from Östen, have themselves lovely pair of twin daughters, and live happily ever after.
For a while, at least.
