Rhett Smart, better known as the Abominable Snowman, was a one-time performer for the Yeti Wrestling Federation.
An Earthling refugee, born Abraham Lincoln during the 16th iteration of reality, he went on to become one of the most leaders in Edenian history.
Adam Schulz, better known as Adam Bomb, was a costumed adventurer during the Third Age of Eden.
Alenia Valeth, better known as Arachnikid, was a Nunyan superhero during the Third Age of Eden.
Banhammer was an armored superhero during the Third Age in Eden. He is most famous for having fought alongside his longtime friend Iron Stache during the Battle of Kirbyville.
Black Death, also called Pestilence, was a temporarily reformed supervillain who fought on the side of Iron Stache in the Battle of Kirbyville.
Bub Badger, the so-called Lone Wolf, was a superhero during the Fourth Age of Eden.
Stagnekad the Defiler—the Father of Fangs, Duke of the Dead, and Scourge of the Halflings—is a kíndallan siphon considered to be the most powerful necromancer in all of Eden.
This world is competing in the Worldbuilding Awards under the Artist's Most Beautiful World category.