Lone Wolf

Bub Badger, the so-called Lone Wolf, was a superhero during the Fourth Age of Eden. A half-dwarf, half-human mixer, The Lone Wolf was the go-to guy for black ops and wetworks before he went straight and joined the Hex Men in 475.


Beyond his exploits as a costumed adventurer, the Lone Wolf is perhaps best-known as the occasional third partner in the open marriage of Hex Men power couple Argos and Ginger Girl. And yet, his on-again off-again relationship with the two of them has led to conflict as often as it’s led to domestic bliss. Famously, the threesome—together with Lone Wolf’s most frequent replacement, the White Monarch—battled each other live on the EdenNet as part of the fiftieth-aniversary Raunchy Brawl.


Supernatural Abilities

All five of Bub Badger’s senses were heightened to a supernatural extent. He had razor-sharp retractable claws at the end of each finger and toe. He could travel swiftly through the earth by burrowing a tunnel. And he grew stronger and more difficult to defeat the longer and longer a battle went on.


That last ability also applied to his exploits in the bedroom, a talent which made him the most sought-after lover in Eden during the Fourth Age—even more desired than the infamous Glinda the Good.

387 1456
5' 1"
195 lbs


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Dec 12, 2023 03:19 by Chris L

20 claws! Or is it 21! Thanks for calling me out to come read this. Like his inspiration, sounds like this guy is never actually alone! (Also he sounds more like the naked mole rat!!)

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Dec 12, 2023 11:51 by E. Christopher Clark

Hehehehehehehehe. 21 claws. Hahahahaha.

Dec 12, 2023 12:19 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'And he grew stronger and more difficult to defeat the longer and longer a battle went on.' Sounds exhausting! XD

Emy x
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Dec 12, 2023 17:28 by E. Christopher Clark

For sure! Yeah, I was trying to figure out a way to give him an ability that called to mind similar comic book heroes from our world, but that didn't seem like an outright ripoff.

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