Johanna Vinternsdotter
Johanna Vinternsdotter, the Snow Queen, was a powerful sorceress during the Second Age of Eden. A refugee from the Earth-666 iteration of reality, she rose to power in The Highlands as the Queen Consort of Hamish I and later as the Queen Regent during the minority of her son Hamish II.
Following Hamish II’s coming of age and marriage to Bonnie MacAdam, Queen Johanna was relegated to the role of Queen Mother—a demotion she did not take kindly to. In 143, she was instrumental in organizing the failed coup of the Edenian South by the recently ousted False Kings.
Appearance and Personality
Johanna’s typical appearance is that of a tall, slender, almost brittle woman with platinum blonde hair. When engaged in heavy use of her supernatural abilities (see below), her skin and hair tint blue or red. This change in coloration is dictated by which direction she is sending the local temperature in, and by how much.
Supernatural Abilities
With the power of her singing voice, Johanna can control the temperature, humidity, and air speed of her immediate surroundings. Though she typically uses this ability to lower temperatures and make weapons of ice and snow, she is equally as capable of raising temperatures.
I like that she can also raise temperatures but usually chooses not to. XD
Yeah, I kinda figured if she had the ability to do one then she should probably be able to do the other. And I'm imagining excellent story possibilities for when she surprises someone by turning UP the heat unexpectedly.