Sobekians are a species of intelligent, bipedal crocodile people who call the region of Mira’s Well home. Fierce, fecund, and overly fond of feasts, sobekians are perhaps best known for their hedonistic habit of eating while mating. And yet, while they might seem monstrous to some, they are ardent defenders of the innocent and ferocious enemies of evil-doers the world over.
Each and every member of the species is a genetic descendant of the infamous Sobek the Splashing, himself the sole survivor of an experiment in genetic elevation and manipulation during early years of the Second Age. After Sobek’s escape from the Reekian lab where he’d been created, he fled south to Mira’s Well. There, on the banks of The Gush, as a Blue Anvil glowed in nearby Frult Üft, the lonely Sobek found himself temporarily able to lay clutch after clutch of fertilized eggs—to have children for whom he was both father and mother.
Basic Information
Sobekians present as humanoid figures with predominantly crocodilian features. Their thick, scaly skin acts as a kind of armor, making them highly resistant to slashing, stabbing, and penetrative attacks. Their tail is a built-in weapon for taking the feet out from under anyone brave or stupid enough to fight them one-on-one. And their crocodilian heads are filled with all the razor-sharp teeth you’d expect.
Perhaps their only true weakness is how top-heavy they are. Their shoulders are broad and their arms so thick and muscled that their legs look somewhat underdeveloped by contrast.
Genetics and Reproduction
The first few generations of sobekians reproduced exclusively during evenings when Blue Anvils glowed. That way, they could wish a non-related partner into existence for one night, or else wish for the ability that Sobek was given when he founded the species. A couple hundred years later, once there was enough genetic diversity, sobekians began reproducing in the old-fashioned way. And yet, there is no species in Eden who looks forward to the arrival of a Blue Anvil more than the sobekians.
Sobekians also engage intercourse for pure pleasure, both with members of their own species and with other willing (and brave) humanoids. You can learn more about this below, under the Behavior heading.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Like the Nile crocodile which was used to create their ancestor Sobek, sobekians are opportunistic apex predators for whom ambush is a critical component of the hunting process. Like Nile crocs, sobekians will eat just about anything. The difference is that sobekians will only hunt, kill, and consume sapient beings if they reek of evil.
The creation of Sobek was part of an experiment by death-fearing dwarves to extract the secrets of elven longevity. As a result of spending so much time around men who loved life and feared the passing of time, Sobek left the lab obsessed with devouring time itself—what he saw as the ultimate evil—and with enjoying every second of his life along the way.
These are characteristics Sobek passed on to his descendants. To this day, sobekians will try to eat any time piece they encounter and they will try to make every moment of their lives—and the lives of the people they love—as enjoyable as possible. That’s how they became known for eating while mating, as it turns out—and while having sex for fun, as well. Sobekians don’t want to waste a single second of their lives, so why not combine the two activities they love the most into one decadent, debaucherous delight?
I have been waiting a long time for this one! May the Blue Anvil ever shine on the croc people!!
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Hehehehe, I knew you'd enjoy this one.