Home to Eden’s largest colony of merfolk, this beautiful tourist destination is not-so-secretly run by the Andersen crime family—descendants of the so-called “little mermaid.”
The Lasso Lounge is a famous brothel in the Motherlandian city of Watersmeet.
Nést Yokté, better known as “The Beast,” was a kíndallan chieftain who fought all his life to build a safe haven for his people in the post-apocalyptic paradise of Eden.
The Chessboard is an outdoor stadium in The City of Hearts where a variety of sports and entertainment events are held each year.
A Thakhë ës Mora is a necklace or pin featuring the symbol of The Old Faith. The wearing of this mark is seen as a public declaration of one’s commitment to the church—and, by extension, to the sister goddesses Mira and Phina.
Mount Derrière is the name given to a pair of sand-covered knolls in the Mira’s Well region of The Realm. The shape of the knolls and their proximity to one another calls to mind the shape of a well-rounded human butt.
Along with Paradise City in Nunya and Newest Orleans in Oz, Frult Üft is one of Eden’s preeminent party towns.
Founded by The Beast as a safe haven for kíndallan refugees, this collection of hamlets and small towns is now a refuge for the unjustly maligned of all species.
“The Promised Return” is an Edenian prophecy which describes the eventual return of the Bekiskapan people to the shores of this post-apocalyptic paradise.
Cookies are a popular snack and dessert throughout the Clarkwoods Literary Universe, and in the land of Eden in particular.
Mira’s Well is an incredibly fertile floodplain which extends the habitable territory of The Realm into the typically inhospitable Desert at the Edge of Existence.
Willem Shaxbeard was an Edenian playwright and historian who eventually served as Sage of Saltgate to Queen Frieda Jacobs.
Longterm Amicus Memory Preservation (L.A.M.P.) is a magical technology within the Clarkwoods Literary Universe which prevents the continued decay of an amicus imaginarium which would otherwise be forgotten.
The Forgetting is a degenerative disease which slowly and painfully kills amici imaginarium.
Üso Ko‘i is an aquatic plant which forms a symbiotic relationship with the lost soul of a murdered woman in order to lure unsuspecting passersby to their doom.
Sex Education is a vital part of the compulsory education plan set down by the Council of Five.
Sex Workers are viewed by most Edenians as a vital part of the economy and a crucial part of promoting the Council of Five’s holistic approach to healthcare and wellbeing. And yet…
The Four Horsemen, sometimes called the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, are a ruthless group of Egregore bent on preserving order in the purgatorial paradise of Eden.
F-Major is a performance-enhancing substance, derived from the natural oils of the piano tuna, which grants the user the ability to stay perfectly in tune while singing.
Originally spoken only by the lost halflings who founded the doomsday cult of Ni Hüre Lena, Lavoda now functions as the language of magic in this post-apocalyptic paradise.
Bandersnatches are a species of genetically modified war dogs, best known for their extendible necks and their strong, broad jaws. They get their name from the ancient Bekiskish word for leader.
Ni Hüre Lena is centered on the belief that the so-called Four Helmsmen of the Apocalypse were responsible for the destruction of the universe—and that they will soon arrive to destroy Eden as well.
For the worshippers of Ni Hüre Lena, the Wemu. Aiki I is a divine antagonist—the master of The Four Helmsmen and the god who will unmake the world if the peoples of Eden will not stop moving.
A seashell horn—a conch—which is given to a newly elected Püroki as a symbol of the tribe’s belief is his, her, or their leadership.
The Üliba Owo is a prayer in which movement plays a central role. In fact, there are no other universally agreed-upon components of a proper Üliba Owo. The only thing that really matters it that you are moving… somehow.
The Püroki is the leader of a tribe, clan, or community of halflings. Elected only by uncontested acclamation, the Püroki is given supreme authority over the conduct of their tribe and is tasked with ensuring their people adhere to Promise Law.
The Sea Mother’s Promise is a seminal text in the halfling religion of Imire. It is a divine guarantee of a peaceful life, offered in exchange for following a set of six religious and ethical commandments.
Centered around the acolytes of an earth diety called Aiki I, the story recounts the past exploits of the eponymous Helmsmen and predicts a third and final “end of all things.”
A Crown’s Guard is an elite four-person security unit tasked with defending the life of a monarch, a monarch’s consort, or an heir apparent.
The Seven Queens were a charitable organization and occasional threat response team during the Second Age of Eden.
Überdoers are individuals in the land of Eden who regularly commit heroic acts, usually for the benefit of all Edenians.
Sobekians are a species of intelligent, bipedal crocodile people who call the region of Mira’s Well home. Fierce, fecund, and overly fond of feasts, Sobekians are perhaps best known for their hedonistic habit of eating while mating.
Whether you call it a vacation or a holiday, getting away from the mundanity of everyday life is just as treasured in the postapocalyptic paradise of Eden as it is everywhere else in the Clarkwoods Literary Universe—and maybe even more so.
Home is, for many Edenians, the ultimate refuge from the world. More than just its physical form—be that quaint cottage, heartwarming house, or palatial estate—“home” is a state of mind.
Stone Skin was a form of lightweight armor which rendered the wearer impervious to most physical attacks. Sadly, the recipe was a closely guarded state secret and is now lost to history.
The Treaty of Meltwater was a peace treaty between the Kingdom of The Highlands and the newly established Autonomous Zone of Dab Ea.
The Fight for the Field of Plenty, sometimes called the Motherland Massacre, was a skirmish between Motherlandian commoners and the armed forces of Fatherland.
“The One About Hansel and Gretel” is a popular legend about a pair of plucky siblings and how they overcame a dastardly old witch in the midst of a great famine.
Pixies are an ethnic group of fae distinguished by their tiny stature and incredibly potent magic.
The Gingerbread House is a magical cottage and gateway to a candy-themed pocket dimension which has been affectionally dubbed “Confection Country.”
The Model E was a steam-powered automobile produced by the Vaungs Motor Company. It was the first affordable and easy-to-produce motorcar in Edenian history.
The Storm of Cats and Dogs was a massive meteorological event during Eden’s Second Age, during which the cruel people of the world were devestated and the kind-hearted were delivered cute new companions from the sky above.
Cherno’s Curse is a supernatural pathogen which feeds on crops harvested for consumption in totalitarian states.
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