Seven Queens

The Seven Queens were a charitable organization and occasional threat response team during the Second Age of Eden. Comprised of the queens consort of the seven kingdoms of the Edenian South (later called Wonderland), the Seven Queens preferred to do their good works though peaceful and lawful means. And yet, they weren’t afraid to get their hands dirty—and, occasionally, bloody—if the need arose.


The group was created in 142, at the end of The Great Abdication Movement, as a way of continuing to address public concerns over the mismanagement of the seven southern kingdoms by the False Kings. Each of the Seven Queens had been either directly selected or wholeheartedly endorsed by the common folk, and they sought to never abuse the trust which had been given to them.


Over the course of the group’s thirty year run, they were responsible for countless acts of goodness and charity—elevating them to the status of überdoers in the minds of most. Only the death of Aesling O’Briar in 175 brought the group’s reign of kindness to an end.


Though the seven members of the organization viewed themselves as equals, each was tasked with spearheading their outreach in a particular area:

  • Aesling, as the oldest of them by far, was the group’s lead scholar and historian
  • Bonnie MacAdam, as the peacemaker who got the Treaty of Meltwater signed was the lead on diplomacy and internal conflict resolution—internal to the Seven Kingdoms of the South, that is
  • Daisy Rampion, as Queen Consort of the most prosperous of the Seven Kingdoms, was the lead on financial matters
  • Ella of the Ashes led on resolving matters of equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice
  • Gretel der Jäger led the group on military matters and served as field leader when the Queens decided that more “aggressive negotiations” were required in a given situation
  • Marnie Miller was in charge of matters regarding magic
  • Sadie Winters was the group’s international liaison and served as the South’s representative to the Council of Five for many years


The group committed itself to the pursuit of three virtues above all others: compassion, candor, and justice.

Public Agenda

The Seven Queens sought to undo the damage caused by the overreaching False Kings. They sought to engage in regular conversation with the public, and to engage in vigorous, respectful debate when necessary. And finally, they sought not merely to listen and promise but to act when the situation demanded it.

142 - 175

Activist, Charity
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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Jul 13, 2024 16:53 by Chris L

Nice to finally see all of them together in one article!

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak.

Jul 14, 2024 14:41 by E. Christopher Clark

Yeah, I didn't realize that I hadn't done it already until I was jotting down ideas for this prompt last week.

Jul 14, 2024 15:29 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

So great to finally see an article for this organisation. I love their goals <3

Emy x
Explore Etrea | March of 31 Tales
Jul 15, 2024 22:35 by E. Christopher Clark

Thank you! I can't believe I hadn't written one for them before now. Glad you liked it!

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